Seat Adapter Straps


Product Overview

These Seat Adapter Straps from Danuu is a pair of two Replacement Straps that allow you to use your beloved older kayak seat model with the plastic size-squeeze buckles and adapt them to the new pad eyes with brass clips, which have become standard. With these extra long straps, you will have the versatility and range you need to get your older model kayak seat working again. Available in pairs.

Shipping Weight: 1.0 lb
Length: 56"
Color: Black
fastshipping202.gif Normally Ships in 0 to 2 Business Days
Features Benefits
Options Choose from standard Brass Clips or older Plastic male or female 'side-squeeze buckle connectors' for older model kayaks
Adjustable Sliders allow you to set the length you need
madeinusa125.jpg Guaranteed Workmanship and Performance