Wingman Accessory Pack


The Wingman Accessory Pack from Danuu is designed to strap onto the back of the 'sit-high' style of metal-framed kayak seat. Use the four quick-release straps to attach it to the back of your seat frame or to quickly and easily remove the pack when heading home with your gear or the catch of the day. Two water bottle holders keep water within arms reach. There is a dual zip storage area in the middle for tackle boxes, sunscreen, sunglasses, maps and more. Additional attachments will keep your net, pole, or gaff and several tethers. An all-around handy storage unit for kayak fishing or day outings.

Weight: 2.0 lb
Shipping Weight: 2.5 lbs
Height: Awaiting Data
Width: Awaiting Data
Color: Black with Red Trim
fastshipping202.gif Normally Ships in 0 to 2 Business Days
Features Benefits
Storage Pocket Dual zippered storage area will hold tackle boxes and more.
Water Bottle Holder Two holsters for water bottles keep water within arms reach
Easy Attach Quick-release straps make for fast and easy attach and release on metal framed kayak seats
Attachments Additional attachments will keep your net, pole, or gaff and several tethers
madeinusa125.jpg Guaranteed Workmanship and Performance